
This is going to be one of the BIGGEST events that the basketball community has seen yet. The amount of time, work, and detail spent towards perfecting this goal is nearly unrivaled. Please follow and share all of the linked socials at the bottom of the page if you like the content and you want to follow the updates. The more of the larger basketball fan community this can reach as possible, the better.

This has been a 3+ year project with the goal with the intent of creating a Calculator that could compute a comprehensive list ranking the "Greatest Players of All-Time", and doing so with maximum accuracy, objectivity, and minimal bias. "Impossible!" you might say...

Well be prepared to witness the impossible demonstrated.

The satisfaction of the results of this work have never been higher, to the degree that they can finally be shared openly with the world. Some of the most famous clashes in this discussion is

  • How to approach the Prime vs Longevity argument between different players?

  • What is most important when evaluating a career?

  • How to measure careers across entirely different era's?

All of these big questions and others that have surrounded this debate of "Who is the Greatest of All-Time?", have all been considered greatly, and have answered them to much satisfaction.

Players and their on-court legacies will be ranked by their Legacy🏅 Score, aka their final score. This Legacy🏅 Score is the sum of the "Legacy Points" from 7 different categories from which players can receive points from. These categories are

For how some of these categories are calculated and scored, click here to learn about what I call the "Indices."

As of now, over 150+ players have been fully completed and entered into the Calculator, ranked and all. To start, only the order of the top-50 will be revealed in detail to everyone. However, as more and more players become completed and ranked into the Calculator, the top-75 will become revealed, and then eventually the top-100 and so on. This Calculator will also be updated live when possible, through each season and postseason.

The top-50 players were charted relative to their final Legacy🏅 Scores, so we can visually see how close these players are ranked to eachother, and where tier gaps might be. You can see this chart below.