
#5. Magic Johnson

   Whether it was a behind-the-back pass to a flying James Worthy, a halfcourt bomb at the buzzer, or a smile that irradiated the arena, everyone who saw Magic play took with them an indelible memory of what they had witnessed. Magic was more than a revolutionary player, he was transcendent. He was a master of the fast break, leading his team with precision passing and decision-making that created open shots for his teammates. When defenders expected him to pass, he shot. When they expected him to shoot, he passed. He was also tenacious on the boards and ignited the Lakers' fast break offense. Johnson's infectious energy and enthusiasm on the court made him a joy to watch and inspired his teammates to play their best. For each Legacy Category, he ranks 3rd, 9th, 7th, 15th, 11th, 32th, and 6th, respectively.

   Magic's leadership was a key factor in his success as a player. He was known for his ability to motivate and inspire his teammates, and he always stepped up in the biggest moments. His sublime talent elicited wonder and admiration from even the most casual basketball fan. He accomplished virtually everything a player could dream of during his 13 year career. He is the only player in history to finish top-3 in MVP voting 9 years in a row, and he is one of three players ever to have at least 5 titles AND 3 FMVPs (next to MJ and Duncan). Magic is the greatest passer of all-time, he is the greatest PG of all-time, he is one of the greatest winners of all-time.

Notable Playoff Series


Other notable series:

#4. Kobe Bryant

   Kobe Bryant is one of the most iconic basketball players of all time, and his legacy in the NBA is nothing short of greatness. From his incredible performances on the court to his impact on the game and beyond, Kobe's legacy as a player will be one of the most enduring in the history of the NBA. One of Bryant's defining qualities as a player was his relentless work ethic and drive to be the best. He was known for his legendary work ethic, often showing up early to practice and staying late to work on his game. His competitive spirit was unmatched, and he pushed himself and his teammates to be better every day. He was a master of footwork and had a repertoire of moves that he used to get to the basket, make shots, and create opportunities for his teammates. Kobe's scoring ability was also legendary, as he was one of the most prolific scorers in NBA history. He was known for his ability to hit tough shots and make clutch plays in the biggest moments, earning him the nickname "Black Mamba." He is one of, if not THE most, skilled players to ever touch a basketball. Period. For each Legacy Category, he ranks 4th, 6th, 12th, 5th, 6th, 12th, and 2nd, respectively.

   Only 1 player has more Legendary seasons in his career, more 1st Team All-NBAs, and more total All-NBAs than Kobe. This one player is LeBron, no one else has more. No one ever has more 1st Team All-DEFs, and only Duncan has more total All-DEF team selections. And only LBJ and KAJ have more Allstar appearances. Kobe is 1 of 5 players in history with 5 rings and 2 FMVPs (only with MJ, KAJ, Magic, and Duncan). When you talk about Longevity and accomplishments, Kobe is certainly one of the most decorated players ever and has one of the more underrated cases of extreme longevity. One of the holes that some may try to poke in Kobe’s resumé is that he only ever won 1 MVP. Despite this, only KAJ and LBJ have more top-5 MVP finishes than Kobe, who has 11 such years. So while his MVP🏅Score could be better if he won the award more than once, he still ranks 12th all-time in this category, which is still awesome.

Notable Playoff Series


Other notable series:

#3. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

   Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is one of the greatest basketball players of all time, and his legacy in the NBA is one of unparalleled greatness. From his historic performances on the court to his impact on the game and beyond, KAJ's legacy as a player is one of the most enduring in the history of the NBA. He established himself as one of the most dominant players the game has ever seen. One of KAJ's defining qualities as a player was his mastery of the skyhook, a nearly-unstoppable shot that he used to devastating effect throughout his career. For each Legacy Category, he ranks 7th, 5th, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, and 3rd, respectively.

   Kareem’s legacy as a player was also defined by his consistency and longevity. He played for 20 seasons in the NBA, making him one of the longest-tenured players in league history. He has the 2nd greatest ‘Longevity metric’ in the Calculator’s database, the most All-NBAs ever, the most All-Stars ever, the most MVPs ever, and only Kobe and Duncan have more All-DEF appearances than KAJ. Where KAJ’s case is the “weakest”, relatively speaking, is the value of his rings, as he has only the 7th highest Ring💍Score, the lowest out of everyone in the top-7 except Duncan (barely). Only 2 of his 6 rings are considered as Top-50 rings ever (‘71 and ‘85), ‘80 would have been great if he stayed healthy and finished the series as the FMVP, and for the other 3 he was clearly not the best player, especially those last 2 rings. However, KAJ still has a great Ring💍Score, but it should not be considered as the strength of his GOAT case, as it was his longevity and consistency that made him one of the most respected and admired players in the game.

Notable Playoff Series


Other notable series:

#2. LeBron James

   LeBron James is one of the most iconic basketball players of all-time, and his legacy in the NBA is nothing short of greatness, fully worthy of consideration for the GOAT title. From his incredible performances on the court to his impact on the game, LeBron’s legacy as a player is one of the most enduring in the history of the NBA. He established himself as one of the most dominant players the game has ever seen since he entered the league. One of LeBron’s defining qualities as a player is his incredible versatility. He has the ability to play and excel at multiple positions, making him a difficult matchup for any opponent. He has a unique combination of size, speed, and strength that allows him to attack the basket, pull up for jump shots, and create opportunities for his teammates, and he was also an outstanding defender during his peak years. For each Legacy Category, he ranks 6th, 2nd, 1st, 4th, 1st, 2nd, and 1st, respectively.

   While not specifically known as “a scorer” or a “clutch player”, LBJ now holds the all-time scoring title in NBA history, the most playoff buzzer beaters ever, and the 5th highest career PPG average ever (only 0.15 behind Baylor for 3rd). He ranks 1st with the greatest ‘Longevity metric’ ever according to the Calculator, and he has achieved the most Legendary seasons ever. He ranks 2nd all-time in categories like most All-NBAs, All-Stars, Top-5 MVP finishes, FMVPs, and he is tied for the most Top-2 MVP finishes ever (8, with MJ). The only area where LeBron could have made up more ground was also in his Ring💍Score, as in the top-8 players he does have the fewest rings (outside of Bird), and only 2 of his 4 rings are considered as Top-50 rings ever (‘16 and ‘12), and the other 2 being just outside, probably in the Top-75.

Notable Playoff Series


Other notable series:

#1. Michael Jordan

   Michael Jordan is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all-time in a majority of circles. He was a phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of fundamental soundness, grace, speed, power, artistry, improvisational ability and an unquenchable competitive desire to win at all costs. He quickly established himself as a dominant force in the league since he was drafted in ‘84, winning his 1st MVP in just his fourth year, and right away challenging DYNASTIES early in his career like the ‘86 Celtics, the Bad Boy Pistons, and eventually Magic and the Lakers for his 1st title in ‘91. For each Legacy Category, he ranks 1st, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 5th, 4th, and 4th, respectively.

   MJ is the only player in history with more than 4 FMVPs (6), he is the only player with more than 7 scoring titles (10; Wilt is the only other player with more than 4), and no one has more 1st All-DEFs. MJ had 11 prime years, he almost won an MVP in half of them (5), no one else has ever displayed this kind of dominance ever. Only KAJ has more MVPs, only CP3 has more Steals Titles, and Kawhi and Gary Payton are the only other perimeter players in the top-75 to win a DPOY. He ranks 7th all-time in the Calculator’s ‘Longevity metric’, and 1st in the Talent⛹️‍♂️Score’s ‘Prime metric.’ MJ also ranks 1st all-time in prime PTS/75 possessions at 31.2. The only other player that scores over 28 that ranks in the top-25 overall is KD. Bill Russell is the only other player who can claim to be the best player over 2 distinct 3-peats. Where Jordan still holds a massive advantage over LeBron is their Ring💍Scores. To paint a clear picture, the Calculator views MJs 6 rings as TWICE as valuable as LBJ’s 4 rings. That is the only area where LBJ has not passed MJ in, or at least really close to, and because of how massive that gap still is, MJ still holds a decent lead for the 1st overall spot. LBJ still has the chance to pass him in the future, but still for now… the Master of the Midrange, His Airness, Mr Clutch, Inspiration of the Black Mamba… ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jordan is the GOAT!

Notable Playoff Series


Other notable series:

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